To watch the Official October Baby Trailer: Click here
October Baby is inspired by one of few abortion survivors who make it alive outside of abortion clinics---Gianna Jessen. I've been avoiding watching this movie for a while because I don't like talking about controversial subject matters unless it comes to what God says. In the movie, actress Shari Rigby plays the role of the birth mother who had an abortion in the film. Little did the directors know at the time that she had a past abortion before choosing her for this role. After watching October Baby, I watched 22 weeks---another movie based on a true story.
During my Junior year of High School when a new candidate was running for President, I was presented with the terms Pro-Life and Pro-Choice without truly understanding what either one meant. I thank God for my having a Child Development teacher who took a stand and taught us that Life begins at Conception. We also know this to be true because the Psalmist David wrote: Behold I was brought forth in iniquity and in sin did my mother conceive me. If we truly can grasp all the things our body goes through just for conception to happen and all the things that can go wrong, it truly a miracle any of us makes it outside the womb alive!
I cannot understand how anyone can say I am For God and not be For Life. Speaking for myself, I cannot truly say I am a Christ-follower and make another individual whether they be in Christ or not feel condemnation or judgmental towards them whether a child was conceived in actual sin, or life beyond their control--- it's not my place.
I have a lot more respect now for women who carry their babies to full term even if they decide to give him or her up for adoption. I do not condone pre-marital sex, however; it is not ones place to look down on an individual if they are not married to the father of their child when he or she is conceived. If the person truly repents, God is just to forgive.
Most women who were asked why they went through with the abortion procedure ironically respond by saying they felt they had no other choice. Four weeks after conception takes place, the baby now has a heartbeat with blood pumping through its system. If you know anything about blood, THERE IS LIFE IN THE BLOOD. It is not anyone's place to play God whom is the only one who can kill the body and soul. In other words, He is the only one who gives life and takes it away [Job 1:21].We can see in scripture women who were barren because God is the one who can shut and open their womb.
If the word of God says having anger in my heart towards an individual is as committing murder, then what about intentionally putting an end to an unborn life? Every good and perfect gift comes from above. I came to the conclusion for myself, birth control is one of the most selfish choices I can make when I have kids one day because I know that children are an inheritance from the Lord, blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. [Psalm 123:3-5]
In 2002, the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act was passed unanimously in the U.S Senate House of Representatives and signed by President George W. Bush Jr. Regardless, Silent genocide still occurs everyday. Approximately 3,500 babies are aborted daily (1.3 million yearly). Out of those aborted daily, approximately 1,270 babies are born alive in the U.S. and are still killed despite the BAIPA passed in 2002. There are everyday instances of which abortion still occurs such as in the movie 22 weeks. Due to negligence in a Florida Abortion Clinic the baby died 10 minutes after delivery despite the mother wanting the baby to live.
"Born Alive" is defined as the complete expulsion of an infant at any stage of development that has a heartbeat, pulsation of the umbilical cord, breath, or voluntary muscle movement, no matter if the umbilical cord has been cut or if the expulsion of the infant was natural, induced labor, cesarean section, or induced abortion."The thief which is the devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy. Christ came so that we may have life and have it more abundantly. [John 10:10] Our God is the author of life and you can see His hand in all of creation. In Psalm 139, David states that he was woven and knit together in his mothers womb. I know God does not make mistakes, otherwise He would not be the One true God. People can give into temptation or even have situations beyond their control in life and find themselves with child. I believe a major reason of an individuals choice to have an abortion is selfishness.
The enemy will twist the Word of God to ones demise or destruction. In this case, it may come in the thought:
- Fear or shame
- No one will ever find out
- A child will only make things complicated
- I'm not ready to be a mother
- I don't want children
- It will only put strain on my body to carry to full term
- I don't have a support system
- My career has just begun
- I don't have any other choice
I remember an another amazing teacher I had my Senior year of High School and her story about her brother. I'll refer to him as Jimmy. When Jimmy was asked by his family if given the option of resuscitation or do not resuscitate if a medical emergency were to occur, he would choose resuscitation even if he were given 1% chance of living because he knows God will take care of the rest. I have been dwelling on that thought for the past week. If I were placed in a similar position where I had to make the call, I would not be able to. Give me 1% chance of living and I know my God is more than able to add 99% to that!
In High School, I always wanted to participate in a Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure event, but due to the legal requirements, I never had a chance to. This Pro-Life Day of Solidarity is something even closer to my heart and I hope I can participate in one day. I thank God He has given me a heart for the least of these from a young age. When I say I am pro-life, I'm taking a stand to choose LIFE and life more abundantly. I choose life, not death.
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