Recently, a friend of mine
inspired me to start a daily prayer journal for my future husband in order to
cover him and our ministry with prayer. Instead of wasting time serial dating
all the wrong guys, start investing time
in prayer for the right one! I believe it is important to learn how to be kingdom minded (Matt. 6:33)
and put the Lord first before marriage
so that He will remain the first priority
during marriage. You can start by having devotionals together and investing
more time in spiritual things such as prayer which will discipline you both spiritually.
In everything by
prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to
God. I don’t know about you, but I want a kingdom marriage and
mindset which glorifies God and that can only happen when He is the head of our
household and the center of our lives. Take Aquila and Priscilla for example;
everywhere in scripture you see them together, complementing one another in ministry. :)
Starting this prayer journal has allowed me to exercise spiritual discipline and consistency on a daily basis. No matter how busy I may get or how late it is in the night, I have learned to always make time for Him! I wasn't planning on sharing this journal, but I felt parts of it may help someone who reads this one day so please keep that in mind. :)
Starting this prayer journal has allowed me to exercise spiritual discipline and consistency on a daily basis. No matter how busy I may get or how late it is in the night, I have learned to always make time for Him! I wasn't planning on sharing this journal, but I felt parts of it may help someone who reads this one day so please keep that in mind. :)
I believe this Journal entry may
expand into prayer for my children and nation as well in the future, so stay
Tuesday, Nov. 27th Day 1: Pray for God’s Protection
Verse: “It is the Lord who goes
before you…” [Deuteronomy 31:8]
Today, I feel the need to pray
for God’s protection over us. I’m praying that God protects this man and our
future family. I feel that the enemy is trying to attack or break
up the family unit in this hour, so it is essential that the Lord covers him and those
children we will raise up to fear the Lord one day. I often feel the need to pray
this prayer not only for that special man, myself, and our future family, but those
around me in leadership positions.
Wednesday, Nov. 28th Day 2: Pray
for an Increase in Wisdom
“If any of
you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God…” [James 1:5]
Today I felt the need to pray for
our maturation in wisdom. James 1:5 says “If any of you lacks
wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach,
and it will be given to him.” King Solomon desired a good thing when he asked
the Lord for wisdom in order to rule over his people. He was one of the wisest
men depicted in scripture despite the apple not falling too far from the tree
in other areas of his life. I learned early on in my walk with God, if you pray
for things like wisdom, patience, or to grow in the love of Christ- He will put
you through the fire in order to gain that wisdom, patience, or love for others
you desire.
Thursday, Nov. 29th Day 3: Pray
for God’s Re-direction
Today I was trying to figure out
what to pray for and the thought of Re-direction crossed my mind a couple of times,
but I also had something else on my heart to pray for that I believe the spirit
will lead me into praying for soon!
Have you ever found yourself at a
cross road, needing to make a decision or even “caught up” with several
different things going on in your life that you neglect to seek the Lord on an
important matter? I know God is ultimately in control and knows the end from
the beginning, but I found myself thinking recently: “What if that man is
headed down the wrong path with the decisions he is making?” As I am writing
this, the image of a car driving down a highway is coming to mind. Your exit is
coming up quickly, but you are distracted by something in the distance and end
up missing it. As a result, you have to make a U-turn or detour further down
the road after passing a few more exits. In the end, you become frustrated wishing
you were more attentive and followed directions the first time they were given!
Sound familiar?
That is what comes to mind when I
think of some of the decisions I have made in my life. We can stray a little
bit from the path and even insist on our own will when we know in our heart and
mind that God is saying otherwise. I am a firm believer however that if we
repent and ask for forgiveness, He is just to forgive. Sometimes the decisions
we make- whether big or small, can have its lasting consequences and imprint on
our heart. This can either leave us frustrated such as driving down that
highway and missing your exit by a couple of feet, or even reaping the
repercussions later on in life. I am praying for my husband’s re-direction if
he has ever strayed from the path or gotten distracted by things or people in
his life whether that may include friends, relationships, or family. Adding
unto the other prayers from the previous day, I pray the Lord grants him wisdom
with each decision he has to make and protects him not to reap the
repercussions that some of us may have already when we do not seek God first
and foremost.
Friday, Nov. 30th Day 4: Pray for his Purity
“So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and
peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart” [2 Timothy
I believe teens and young adults today face an even
greater challenge to remain pure due to pressures from society screaming
otherwise. Remaining pure before marriage not
only includes abstinence, but also keeping your mind, heart, and body pure from spiritual contaminants of this
world. This includes, but is not limited to: pornography, lust, adultery,
fornication, and other perversions in which the movies and media depict a distorted view
of reality. It is essential for my future spouse and I to be guarded from
temptations lurking about every corner. Even if there is the possibility that he
may come with some "extra baggage" when I marry him; I pray for God's
restoration, no condemnation from the enemy, and for us to use wisdom and ask
ourselves what is the wise thing to do,
in light of our past and present situation? Not only before marriage, but also
taking precautions around the opposite sex during marriage by setting and specifying boundaries so that expectations are clear. Ask yourself
now- are there some things, people, or places you need to take precaution and
avoid because it exposes you to certain temptations?
"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall
see God." [Matthew 5:8]
Saturday, December 1st Day 5: Pray
for God's Guidance
Verse: “The steps of a man are established by the
Lord, when he delights in his way”
[Psalm 37:23]
[Psalm 37:23]
The other day I prayed for God to
re-direct this man if he has ever strayed from the path God has placed him on.
Today I am praying for God's Divine Direction in his life. The word says that the steps of a
righteous man are ordered by the Lord- meaning, one who is living
right before His eyes. The reason I feel the need to pray for this is due to
some of the things the Lord has shown and taught me in my walk with Him. Sometimes
the people in our own lives- whether that includes a boyfriend or girlfriend,
family, and even friends can hinder us in our walk with God. My prayer is that God
will give him wisdom beyond his years in all
the decisions he has to make whether big or small.
Sunday, December 2nd Day 6: Pray
for His Faithfulness
“Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over
a few things, I will make you ruler over many things” [Matt. 25:21]
is only by the grace of God that I have an understanding of His call on our
lives that we will share one day in our future ministry together! That is why
it is so important for both of us to be faithful- not only to the call which is
irrevocable, but also to one another in marriage. The other day I wrote about
the importance of remaining pure during the courtship stage and in marriage. As I am writing this, I
am reminded of the Songs of Solomon and the Book of Proverbs where he talks
about “drink water from your own cistern,”
no need for translation I pray. I am also reminded that you shall not covet your neighbor's wife. Let marriage be held in honor among all, and
let the marriage bed be undefiled (Heb. 13:4). Sometimes we can know
what the call of God is on our lives from a young age, but choose to spend most
of our teen years running away from it. I pray that in our marriage our faith will
stand firm on Christ- the solid rock and not waiver during the storms life may
bring. In any areas that we may lack, I am a firm believer that God will give
us the increase!
“But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is,
and that He is a
rewarder of those who diligently seek Him” [Heb.11:6]
Monday, December 3rd Day 7: Pray
for his Maturity in Christ
“Until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the
Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the
fullness of Christ” [Ephesians 4:13]
newborns, we are to “long for the pure
spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up into salvation” (1 Peter
2:2). It is through the trials and tribulations we face in our lives that will
bring forth the spiritual maturity and fruit needed in order to fulfill the
will of God on our lives. Today, the Lord gave me an understanding of the various
trials I have been going through. He has been encouraging me lately not be
discouraged by my present circumstances because after every storm, there is
usually sunshine. At the end of every dark tunnel, there is usually light. Your
perspective of a situation and what you choose to do in light of your present
circumstances will determine the direction you go. Earlier this week, a friend
of mine reminded me of a quote our pastor likes to say sometimes: “If you want
to pass the test, pass it the first time because the second time you take it
will be harder than the first.” I pray that my future spouse grows to the level
of maturity in Christ necessary to handle the call of God on his life.
“When I was a child, I spoke like a child; I thought
like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish
ways” [1 Corinth. 13:11]
Tuesday, December 4th Day 8: Pray
for his Obedience
“We must obey God rather than men” [Acts 5:29]
Today I’m reminded of Samuel.
When Samuel was asleep at night, he thought it was the voice of Eli calling him
when really it was the voice of God. I am praying for this man’s obedience to
the voice of God. Obedience in his finances, direction from the Lord, his
calling- even in areas it may not make sense- for him to continue walking by
faith and not by sight. How obedient this man is to the voice of God and
faithful in the little things will affect how far we go in the kingdom of God
“Behold, to obey is
better than sacrifice, and to listen than the fat of rams”
[1 Samuel 15:22-23]
[1 Samuel 15:22-23]
Wednesday, December 5th Day 9: Pray
for Biblical Manhood
I pray this man has an
understanding not only of his role as the head of our household, but as a
father one day and minister of the gospel. I’m reminded of the saying: “two heads are better than one,” but only when
working together for a common goal because “anything with two heads is a
monster.” Due to the fall, women will desire to rule over their
husbands, but the Lord says that her desire “shall be for your husband.” He needs to understand this in
order to reply with a gentle response and wisdom when this occurs as my spiritual covering
in marriage.
He needs to understand his
biblical role so that we can train up our children in the way the Lord desires.
Men of this generation need to stand up and return to the call of biblical
manhood. There are too many effeminate guys walking around in today’s society
and I do not want my son to add to that number. Neither do I want my daughter pursuing
the wrong men when it is her time to walk down the aisle.
Something the Lord
reminded me today was this: If a man cannot control his own household, what
place does he have ministering to the body of Christ? This is because
everything else is affected by his leadership in the home. It is like a
downward spiral effect. When everything is running smoothly- decently and in order- the wife is
happy, and as a result the children are as well (for the most part). In
marriage, it is essential to have one mind and be in one accord- in unity.
Thursday, December 6th Day 10: Pray
for his Character
I am praying for someone who is strong in his
walk with the lord and very wise. As I pray for this man’s character- I am
praying for an individual with great convictions, integrity, and ambition. A man
who is prayerful, teachable, and faithful who knows how to lead by example!
Friday, December 7th Day 11: Pray
for God’s Love to be Made Perfect
Verse: "Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved
the church and gave himself up for her"
[Ephesians 5:25]
Today I am praying
for God’s love to be made perfect in us. As I was reflecting back on some
things the other day, I was visualizing a scene from an old movie. However, instead
of these actors in the scene, it was my spouse and I. Basically, what I realized
after praying is that I want to grow old with this man of God. There are too
many couples today either unequally yoked or opting out for a divorce when a
storm hits their marriage. I want to mean exactly what I say on my wedding day:
“For better or for worse, for richer or for poorer…in sickness and in health; till
death do us part.” I’m making that vow not only to this man, but before God and
hundreds of other witnesses. It is Christ’s love in us that people will know we
are His disciples. The number one way I will know this man truly loves me and
vice versa is through our actions toward one another. Though words may be
important, actions speak louder than words! The more we are made perfect in the
love of Christ as we draw nearer to Him, the more we will reflect the image of
Christ in our lives, ministry, and marriage.
Saturday, December 8th Day 12: Pray
for his Patience
Verse: "My brethren, count it all joy when you
fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith
produces patience" [James 1:2-3]
I'm not going to lie. Today I was
completely stumped about what to pray for as well as the last two days until I
began to have a talk with the Lord. The end of the conversation resulted in me
laughing at myself as I was reminded of some things and a specific area the
Lord is still working on in me.
Anyone that knows me will understand that I
tend to be a busy body and I'm always on the go. Part of it I learned by
imitating those who set the example around me growing up of what I would
consider to a little too ambitious. I
took this, and ran with it to the next level by becoming what you would call an
“overachiever” however; I never saw things that way. This usually resulted in
me placing unnecessary burdens on myself by wanting to do everything instead of sharing the load.
Today I was reflecting on how much the trials I have gone through
recently has shaped my faith. I remember about a year ago when someone was
telling me the type of faith they had to believe God for something's that our
society or those “O ye of little faith” individuals would probably perceive as
crazy. I believe in the miraculous and that greater works are going to follow
this generation than that of the Apostle Paul's day. Today as I was talking to
the Lord, I was telling him that I believe He can raise someone from the dead
even after 3 days when their body has already decomposed due to the lack of
blood to the tissues- He can bring that flesh back to life. Talk about crazy! I
know I serve a big God who can do great and mighty things far beyond what the
eye can see or what we can imagine!
In my walk with God, something
that has continually challenged my patience and grown my faith is waiting for
some of the promises of God to come to pass in my life. Sometimes, it can take a
day or even a few weeks, and on other occasions a couple of years. Regardless,
I have come to understand His thoughts are above our thoughts and His ways
are above our ways. You just
have to learn to hear His voice clear enough in your life and part of this
comes by waiting on the Lord. Even when things may look the opposite in the
natural, you have to keep standing on the Word of God until it comes to pass.
Patience is a virtue. God doesn't always work on
our timing- it is according to His time and waiting on Him produces spiritual
maturity. When we run ahead of God, it can lead to bad consequences.
Waiting time is not wasted time.
Sunday, December 9th Day 13: Pray
for his Heart
Verse: "Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life" [Proverbs 4:23]
This is random, but as I’m writing a scary movie is coming to mind. You know, the typical one with a group of college students that decide to stay at a remote location and start disappearing one at a time as the plot unfolds. As you’re watching this, you see the one “smart girl” in the group who ends up wandering off from the pack into an abandoned building. If you're anything like me (back in the day ;-), your already thinking "don't do it silly girl, he’s gone get cha!" That's somewhat how I feel when I see these things unfold in real life. Then I remember there was someone in my life screaming don't go there or don’t do that, but in my own past stubbornness I would never listen. Experience is the worst life teacher. There are those God places in your life in positions of authority that have been through some of the things you are going to encounter. Instead of wasting time, you can get a head start when you heed to the voice of correction and wisdom from your elders.
Monday December 10th Day 14: Pray
for Your Ministry Together
Verse: While
they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called
them” [Acts 13:2]
Ministry has been on my mind
lately, different aspects of it which leads me to my next prayer point. I have
heard from others that one of the greatest ministries you can share together is
marriage. Something the Lord reminded me today is that we have to be on the
same page in ministry and in
marriage- we cannot be about our own agenda. Marriage requires two imperfect
beings with different walks of life, personalities, and baggage coming
together. In the beginning, I talked about Priscilla and Aquila- how they
complemented one another in the ministry God called them into. Everywhere they
went, they were an example of what a God fearing couple looked like- Paul's helpers in Christ Jesus. Sometimes
we cannot fathom the vast things God has in store for us and often
underestimate what He can and will do when you are submissive to His
will. The gifts and calling of God is irrevocable; the only thing that will
hinder or stop you is disobedience.
Do not to limit God because
it is written: “What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man
imagined, what God has prepared for those who love Him.”
[1 Corinthians 2:9]
[1 Corinthians 2:9]
Tuesday December 11th Day 15: Pray
for a change of desires
Verse: “Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart” [Psalm 37:4]
In Psalm 37:4, it states that if you delight
yourself in the Lord, He will give you the desires of your heart (according to
His will). There have been times when I have let my own desires rise up in my
heart and I had to let go and let God take control by laying it down at His feet.
Sometimes the Lord will place certain desires in our heart to guide us, but
overtime as we continue to seek His face it will become apparent whether or not
the desire was from Him. “When you’re in love, your desires change: get in love with God.” I am praying for a change in my hearts desires as well
as this man in order to align ourselves with the Lords desire for us.
Wednesday December 12th Day 16: Pray
for his spiritual discipline
For starters, I want to mention how this prayer journal has helped me to be disciplined and consistent on a daily basis. No matter how busy I may get or how late it is in the night, I have learned to always make time for Him!
The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much (James 5:16). Someone once told me this: "The prayers of a married couple are the more sanctified and powerful to the pulling down of strongholds." A family that prays together stays together! I once read that it takes doing something consistently for at least 21 days straight until it will become a habit. I do not fully agree with this statement because habits are formed over long periods of time and can sometimes be hard to break without the Lords help however; Consistency is Key in everything you do! Don't be discouraged if you fall behind a day or two. As I mentioned in previous posts, those who are faithful in the little things- God will entrust with more. When you can learn to be faithful in small areas of spiritual discipline ie: tithing, prayer, devotion, obedience...God will begin trusting you with more.
For starters, I want to mention how this prayer journal has helped me to be disciplined and consistent on a daily basis. No matter how busy I may get or how late it is in the night, I have learned to always make time for Him!
The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much (James 5:16). Someone once told me this: "The prayers of a married couple are the more sanctified and powerful to the pulling down of strongholds." A family that prays together stays together! I once read that it takes doing something consistently for at least 21 days straight until it will become a habit. I do not fully agree with this statement because habits are formed over long periods of time and can sometimes be hard to break without the Lords help however; Consistency is Key in everything you do! Don't be discouraged if you fall behind a day or two. As I mentioned in previous posts, those who are faithful in the little things- God will entrust with more. When you can learn to be faithful in small areas of spiritual discipline ie: tithing, prayer, devotion, obedience...God will begin trusting you with more.
Thursday December 13th Day 17: Pray that he is conformed to His image
Verse: "Be
imitators of me, as I am of Christ" [1 Corinthians 11:1]
Greater love no man than this than He who lays down
His life for his friends. It is by our
love that this world will know we are His disciples. The best way the Apostle
Paul put it was to be imitators of me, as
I am of Christ. Paul set the example for those around him and told young
Timothy to do so as well by setting an example for the believers in “speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.”
I pray for both this man and I to
be conformed more to His image- compassionate, caring, and full of the love of
Christ. The fruit of the spirit needs to grow and become evident in both of our
lives. The most important fruit I want to manifest in both of us is the love of
Christ. In 1 Corinthians 13 it talks about the “greatest gift” you can have. It begins with the verse:
I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy
gong or a clanging cymbal.” It then
goes on to describe what love is and elaborates although you can have all faith
as to remove mountains or prophetic
powers to understand all mysteries and all knowledge, but have
no love- it means nothing. We know when the Perfect comes which is Christ, the
partial will pass away, but love never
ends. It concludes with the
statement: "So now faith, hope, and
love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is LOVE."
Friday December 14th Day 18: Pray that
he is a man after God’s own heart
Verse: “I have found in David the son of Jesse a man after my heart, who will do all my will” [Acts 13:22]
David was a man after God's own
heart despite his shortcomings and because of this, God always fought his
battles for him. He was a man after God's own heart because he sought to do the
will of God. David was transparent before the Lord, in other words- he was just real. That is the same type of
transparency I desire to have not only with God, but in marriage.
Saturday December 15th Day 19: Pray for a hedge of protection around your
Verse: “What
therefore God has joined together let not man separate” [Mark 10: 9]
Divorce is as rampant
inside the body of Christ as the outside. This makes me want to fight for my
marriage and make sure that I marry a guy who will as well. When I say fight, I
do not mean a physical battle, but a spiritual one on my knees before the Lord
daily! We do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but there is a constant pull by the world, our flesh, and the devil seeking its own agenda.
However, we are not to be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the
renewal of our mind that by testing we may discern
what IS the will of God, what is good
and acceptable and perfect (Romans 12:2).
Sunday December 16th Day 20: Pray for his encouragement
Verse: “Therefore encourage one another and build one
another up, just as you are doing”
[1 Thessalonians 5:11]
I noticed something recently in
my walk with God that I pray others can testify. Whenever you are close to
reaching your breakthrough- that is when the enemy will try to fight you the
hardest in whatever way he can to hinder that breakthrough. It may come in the
form of distractions, friendships, family or even total strangers. However he
can find a way to get into to your heart or mind, he will if you let him. That is why it is important
to understand the authority you have in Christ. The only thing the enemy is
after is to steal, kill, and destroy. Steal away that which God has in store
for you, kill your destiny, and destroy you or your reputation in the process
of it all.
The Lord has had to constantly
encourage me with scriptures to remind me not to be discouraged, but to be of
good cheer- he has overcome the world. The biggest thing the Lord allowed me to
realize through my discouragements and His continual encouragement is this: Whatever you focus on is what you're going to exalt, and whatever you
choose to feed or entertain will grow! Focus on talking about evil things and
you will exalt the evil one, but choose to talk about Christ and things that
glorify His name and you'll exalt Him! In a similar manner, focus on your
problems and you'll exalt it. Remember you serve a BIG God.
If the devil can get you out of
prayer, fellowship, worshiping God and the Word- then he has set you
up right where he wants you. However, if you faint not- in due season you shall reap! I pray
for our encouragement in times of calamity and trouble- individually and
together. The Lord said in the last days there shall be difficult times,
this is to be expected. Through all of this, I have learned to be an
encouragement whenever I can in other peoples lives because I know how it feels
when others are encouraging to me.
this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
[John 16:33]
In marriage, submission is meant to be unto
one another out of deep respect for Christ. I’ve never noticed the last verse
before in Ephesians 5 which states: “let the wife see that she respects her
husband.” I’ve learned overtime that both parties in marriage need to feel
appreciated. As a woman, I think it’s safe to say men: she needs your love and protection- to feel safe and secure when
she is with you. Not to mention ladies, he
needs to know that you respect him! A woman with a gentle, quiet spirit
is precious in the sight of God. I want to submit to this man even at times
when I disagree about some things because it is what the Lord requires of me. Some
women may disagree with what I’m about to say next, but the only good thing I believe
which came from the feminist movement is more equality in society for women.
Just as I’m praying that men will return to fulfilling their biblical role, I
pray more women will step up to fulfill theirs in Christ.
Monday December 17th Day 21: Pray
for his leadership and position
Today I was going to pray for this man’s leadership and position, but there is not much I have to say regarding this that I have not already mentioned previously. I just pray that he is a humble man who remains that way before the Lord so that in due time, He will exalt him and enlarge his territory.
Today I was going to pray for this man’s leadership and position, but there is not much I have to say regarding this that I have not already mentioned previously. I just pray that he is a humble man who remains that way before the Lord so that in due time, He will exalt him and enlarge his territory.
Tuesday December 18th Day 22: Pray
that he prioritizes
Verse: "But seek
first the kingdom of God and his
righteousness, and all these
things will be added to you" [Matthew 6:33]
I have noticed that in my past
whenever I failed to prioritize, how it either resulted in procrastination or an
overwhelming amount of duties. I can testify today that God has helped turn my
procrastinating ways around into on time promptness! When you fail to
prioritize, other responsibilities may end up getting done half-heartedly or
even neglected all together. The first and foremost priority should always be
your relationship with God. Spending an adequate amount of time with Him daily
is essential to spiritual growth and being conformed to His image. I have
witnessed those who put God first, their spouse second, children third, and ministry
last and the balance they maintained in their household as a result. I pray
that my husband keeps his eye on the prize in order to run this race with all
diligence and perseverance. That we will work out our salvation with fear and
trembling. This world is not my home; I’m
just a passing through.
Wednesday December 19th Day 23: Pray
for healing from past and present wounds
This is actually something that the Lord laid on my heart recently to invest prayer in- not only for this guy, but for myself as well. After having a heart to heart conversation with someone, I was reminded of one particular area I still need more healing in- my heart. Sometimes life can throw us a curve ball with unpredictable ups and downs sending us in the opposite direction than the Lord intended. What I have observed is that emotional healing from scars and wounds is the most difficult to overcome and requires a lengthy healing process often depending on how deep the wounds are to begin with. I’m reminded of the parable of the unforgiving servant (Matt. 18:21-35) as well as the sinful woman who loved much because she had been forgiven of much (Luke 7:47). Unforgiveness is one thing that will slow down the healing process God may want to do in an individual’s life. One thing I have learned from my past is that wounded people tend to hurt the ones they love the most if they don’t find healing in the arms of a loving Savior.
This is actually something that the Lord laid on my heart recently to invest prayer in- not only for this guy, but for myself as well. After having a heart to heart conversation with someone, I was reminded of one particular area I still need more healing in- my heart. Sometimes life can throw us a curve ball with unpredictable ups and downs sending us in the opposite direction than the Lord intended. What I have observed is that emotional healing from scars and wounds is the most difficult to overcome and requires a lengthy healing process often depending on how deep the wounds are to begin with. I’m reminded of the parable of the unforgiving servant (Matt. 18:21-35) as well as the sinful woman who loved much because she had been forgiven of much (Luke 7:47). Unforgiveness is one thing that will slow down the healing process God may want to do in an individual’s life. One thing I have learned from my past is that wounded people tend to hurt the ones they love the most if they don’t find healing in the arms of a loving Savior.
Thursday December 20th Day 24: Pray
for his Submission
Verse: “Let every soul be subject to the governing
authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities
that exist are appointed by God” [Romans 13:1]
In our lives, God places certain
individuals over us in order to instruct or even protect us the way a Sheppard guards
the flock. In the words of Omar Jolly- "You will save yourself a whole lot
of drama in your life when you can tune your ear to the voice of an elder rather
than the voice of your friends." I would rather have an elder in my life that
can say to me “when you play with fire;
you're going to get burned” rather than friends who will say “take the chance.”
“Marriage is a game changer. Everything that was
once mine is now ours!”
Friday December 21st Day 25: Pray
for him as a Father figure
As I have been observant of
others with children, one thing that comes to mind is healing. The other day I
addressed this topic briefly. I can't help but see how that affects one’s
parenting as well as all the other relationships you may have in life from friendships,
marriage, and family. I have the desire to be the best mommy I can be due to my
own share of life experiences and I’m willing to wait for a guy who desires the
same thing. There is no need to fall into the trap of repeating the same
mistakes from those who came before you. I remember a quote coach Bradshaw said
back in middle school: “Those who don’t know their history are doomed to repeat
it.” I’m not on a quest to find the perfect man because I am far from it and
perfectionism is boring. However,
what this man needs to have is the desire to change for the better and a
teachable spirit. I've met several individuals in life who have the desire yet
are not willing to take the initiative by letting go of some things in their
heart or lives that end up affecting other areas or relationships around them.
I'm letting go and letting God!
“Choose this
day whom you will serve…as for me and my
household, we shall serve the LORD” [Joshua 24:15]
Saturday December 22nd Day 26: Pray
for God's Blessing on your Marriage
One thing that I have desired is
God’s blessing on my marriage. Today as I was reflecting on some things, I
realized that in everything that I do- I want God's hand on it. Everything
the Lord has in store for us- I pray that we will walk in it in Jesus name so
that we may be a blessing to others as well.
Sunday December 23rd Day 27: Pray for Good Health Physically and Spiritually
Sunday December 23rd Day 27: Pray for Good Health Physically and Spiritually
Starting this New Year, I’m not
making any New Years resolution because chances are- I’m not going to keep it.
However, I will make a declaration. This year I want to do things differently
no matter how trivial it may seem to some people; it will make a huge impact on
me physically and spiritually. This year I have learned even more about the
importance of rest and how it affects you all together (mind, body, and spirit).
Anyone that knows me well enough will understand that I like to take a holistic
approach to things. I like to view multiple areas and see how it affects the
whole individual. In simpler terms- I can see the entire puzzle or “big
picture” before I start putting the pieces together. I’m determined this year
to take better care of myself starting with what I eat. My cravings for certain
foods have totally changed over the past two years. Instead of craving
chocolate, I crave baby carrots with a little ranch on the side (I know- baby steps). I think God and my body are trying
to tell me something! ;) God has entrusted me with this temple and I need to
take care of it. I don’t want either one of us to have a “close call” as an eye
opener in order to have a complete lifestyle change.
Monday December 24th Day 28: Pray for a Man of Understanding
Monday December 24th Day 28: Pray for a Man of Understanding
I came across an old country song
today entitled: Forever and Always. In
the video, it shows a couple growing old together from their childhood. Confession
time: I am not a big fan of country music and haven’t got a clue how I came across
this song, BUT I still loved it either way. I‘ll be
blunt. Today I told the Lord when I do get married one day; I don’t want that
flame in our marriage for one another to dwindle down. One verse in this song
says: In your eyes, I can still see the
look of the one who really loves me. You see those older couples who look
at each other and just know what the
other one is thinking good and bad?
That’s what I want (at least the better version of it as a God fearing couple).
I understand in time- neither one of us will be the same individual as on our
wedding day (both physically and spiritually) as we travel further down the
road together, but I see that as a good thing for the both of us. I believe two
hearts completely surrendered to the Lord will lead us both in this direction
together. I can only love this man and vice versa as much as I love God.
This thought hit me today: the more in love I am with God, the more I will be able to love this man of God. The more this man and I love one another, the more love we will have to give to our children. Everything is affected by that one upward relationship with the Lord. As I mentioned a few days ago, I’m willing to change for the better because I believe he’s worth it and our future family deserves all of me- not just part of me!
Tuesday December 25th Day 29: Pray for obedience to the Word and gospel
This thought hit me today: the more in love I am with God, the more I will be able to love this man of God. The more this man and I love one another, the more love we will have to give to our children. Everything is affected by that one upward relationship with the Lord. As I mentioned a few days ago, I’m willing to change for the better because I believe he’s worth it and our future family deserves all of me- not just part of me!
Tuesday December 25th Day 29: Pray for obedience to the Word and gospel
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the
name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” [Matthew 28:19]
As I contemplate on what to pray
about today three things come to mind: faith, forgiveness, and hope beyond pain.
Today I watched Woman Thou Art Loosed: On the 7th Day and Amish Grace. One
thought that was on my mind throughout the day is that anger and un-forgiveness
is the root of bitterness. Holding unto anger and un-forgiveness does not hurt
the other individual who may have wronged you, but yourself because of the
grudge you carry in your heart.
In the movie, one Amish man describes hate in ones heart to his
surviving daughter: “Hate is a very big, very hungry thing with lots of sharp
teeth and it will eat up your whole heart and leave no room for love.” He then
states that we do not have to carry any hatred inside of us if we are willing
to forgive. Forgiving does not necessarily mean forgetting. “If we hold unto
our anger and resentment, then it is only ourselves who are being punished.”
The funeral conductor at the end concludes with the statement: “When we do not
seek vengeance for our pain, when we open our hearts to the healing light of
forgiveness- then the darkness is banished and evil is no more.” I do not know
how much depicted in the film follows the actual story-line which is
based on a true story; however I liked the overall message.
We are called to go out into the
world and preach the gospel- whether we are the individual to plant the seed or
water it. The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. This world is hurting
and turning to other things to numb the pain: sex, drugs, alcohol etc. just to
name a few. What many do not realize is that Christ gives us peace not as the
world gives. I have found no greater love, peace, and joy in my spirit ever
since I experienced the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The same power that raised
Christ from the dead is now dwelling within me!
Wednesday December 26th Day 30: Pray
that God breaks every lie from the enemy
As I am wrapping up the last online entry for this prayer journal, there
are several things on my heart that I want to share. I was watching an old
Church DVD from a special youth led service- the same day I got baptized. This
caused me to reflect on how several individuals tend to place limitations on
God without realizing it. I don’t like the idea of people placing God in a box
as if He is confined to our narrow mind or thinking. As I mentioned previously,
I believe in the supernatural and miraculous. God is looking for those who are willing
to take themselves out of their own comfort zone and replace their “I think I can” mentality with “I know I can” through Christ. I
understand my identity in Christ and that I am qualified when the enemy says
that I am not. God does not call the equipped; He equips the called! I pray
this man has an understanding of this as well as his identity in Christ in
order to identify all the lies from the enemy. When I have encountered things in
my walk that I did not necessarily agree with, God changed my heart and mind to
be in alignment with Him.
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