
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

My First Love

I felt it impressed upon my heart recently that God wanted me to share parts of my testimony…when and where that will be, I have no clue. Recently, the Lord put it on my heart to start reaching out more to the young girls around me and to be a positive role model. As I have been pressing in deeper prayer, He has been dealing with me about some things. Recently, what He laid on my heart is regarding relationships. 

The topic that was preached on Sunday night was about “God Alone.” For those of you that are not familiar with the story of Abraham and Isaac, refer to Genesis 15-17. As the years went by and Abram grew older, he became impatient on waiting on the Lord and decided to take the situation into his own hands by listening to his wife Sarai to conceive a child through her maidservant Hagar. Years later, the Lord finally brought His word to pass and gave Abraham and Sarah a child at the ripened age of 100 and 90. Isaac was the promise child which God was going to make Abram’s descendants as numerous as the stars. Some thoughts Abraham may have been faced with as he was climbing the mountain on his way to sacrifice his son is: “Do I love Isaac more than I love God?” God will sometimes ask us to sacrifice that which is most precious or close our heart, mainly to test and reveal to us where our desires truly lie because He already knows. The reoccurring theme I have been hearing all summer is about standing on the promises of God, faith, values, and sacrifice. As Pastor Hargrove often likes to say: “Our values determine our desires, our desires set our priorities, our priorities determine our direction, and our direction determines our DESTINY!”

When I first came to the Lord and He changed my heart and desires, I laid down several things at the altar by my bedside in return for a greater desire of how I want to be used by Him. Nothing could compare to the honeymoon phase I was in with the Lord for those 6 months to 1 felt like I was on cloud 9! I could not get enough of His word because it was life to my spirit. I would literally skip breakfast and sometimes lunch just to meditate in His word and listen to various preachers because I was so hungry for more of God. I remember feeling His presence SO strong in my bedroom on more than one occasion because I had been seeking His face a lot, that it felt like I was going to die. Before that I had never really encountered the presence of God.

Two of my greatest desires: Marriage and Motherhood I surrendered to Him early on. Several months later, the devil started using that against me by feeding me a lot of lies of which I started to believe overtime. Eventually, the Lord set me straight and revealed His will to me, but the whole process itself of holding unto that desire and almost not wanting to give it up showed me where my heart was. There is nothing wrong with having certain desires because God places it  in our heart and answers them according to His will and timing. Besides it being written in the word, the Lord showed me that He is a jealous God and will do almost anything to gain our attention. When God puts a burden in you to serve Him wholeheartedly, you must be willing to lay down your very life if it ever came to that. Rekindling the flame you once had is the hardest thing to do after the fire you have for God dwindles down, that is why we have to always hunger and thirst after Him. If you want to go deeper in God, you need to have a burning hunger and desire in your heart more than anything else in this world.

When I was 18, I thought I was ready to take on the world. When I finally came to the realization that we are living in the end times, I felt an urgency to get certain things accomplished within a specific time frame. I was ready to get married (so I thought) and to move out and on with my life. I had picked up the mentality along the way that life doesn't really begin until you get married. However, what I failed to realize was that life truly does not begin until you are living for God filled with His spirit!

I can gladly say I have not been in any kind of relationship for almost 5 years now, and that is truly God’s doing. For starters, He had to heal my broken heart and make me whole again; on top of that it would have been a distraction for me in the beginning when I came to Him. I’m finally in a place where I can sincerely say I am enjoying my season of singleness and the friendships God is bringing into my life. We must first learn to be content with what He has entrusted us with before He will give us more. If you are not content while being single, most likely you are going to be a discontent married person. A relationship status change will not make the difference when it comes to issues that are already in our heart that need to be resolved. We must first gain fulfillment in Him and through Him. I am more concerned now about getting back on fire for God, pursuing the ministry I’m called into, growing my gifts, talents, and reaching the lost all around me.

Never settle for less than God’s best in anything! It’s so easy to compromise some of your values or standards when you're with someone you like, especially for a long period of time. Set high standards for yourself, but don't set it so high that Jesus himself can't meet them (nobody’s good enough for me syndrome). One thing I can testify through personal experience is that the way a guy treats and speaks to his mother is EXACTLY how you can expect him to treat you in the long run. Wait for a guy who is willing to lay down his life for you, a guy who is a gentleman and respects you as well as himself by setting boundaries. Wait for a man who is on fire for God, puts Him first in all things, zealous for the work of the Lord, and obedient to His voice. Remember you are a daughter of the most high King, so wait for a guy who will treat you like royalty…and you do the same for him!

Focus on God...drawing near to Him and He will make your path straight and open doors in your life. Everything that is supposed to be yours will come in due time that is in alignment with God’s will for your life when you live life according to His word, standards, and with an open hand policy. In regards to relationships, the closer two individuals move toward God in their relationship, the more they will put on the characteristics of His nature and move closer to one another as well. We can try to get ahead of God and take situations into our own hands like Abraham and his wife, or we can wait on God and gain strength and patience in the process.