
Friday, January 11, 2013

The Power of Forgiveness

In the image above, the Power of Forgiveness was demonstrated by the Amish Community after the Nickel Miles School shooting. I was wondering why for a whole week straight, forgiveness seemed to be the theme of the day and now I finally understand.

Something God taught me recently is that forgiveness is a choice and it's not easy. You can choose to either hold on or let go! When I told God today I will choose to forgive everyday those who wrong me, either knowingly or unknowingly- I literally felt a weight lift from my spirit. You see, un-forgiveness will either keep you bound or weight you down and that is what the enemy wants. Jesus is LORD of all and the only one with the authority on earth to forgive sin. We are to forgive one another as Christ has forgiven us continually because love covers a multitude of sins. Whoever covers an offense seeks love. If you are truly a man or woman after God's own heart and desire to please Him, the wicked will not go unpunished such as in the life of David. God fought His battles for him because he was a man who sought to do the will of God no matter what. His Word says: I desire mercy, not sacrificeJames 2:12-13 also states: "For judgment is without mercy to one who has shown no mercy. Mercy triumphs over judgment." Despite all those individuals who wronged David, he learned how to show mercy to his enemies.

Whom the Son sets free, is free indeed! No more shackles, no more more bondage- I AM FREE. Do not let un-forgiveness, anger, or bitterness dwell in your heart because if you do, there will be no room for the love of Christ to grow or to be made perfect in your heart. It doesn't matter if you loose everything overnight like Job: your children, home, wealth, health etc because God is still sitting on the throne and in control. I'm just now realizing even if you know some things by the Spirit of God, what you choose to do or how you respond is also a test. Without Faith, it is impossible to please God. He wants you to truly see how much faith you have in Him as He allows you to go through some trials and tests because He already knows. In the end, though some may have thought that both David and Job hit rock bottom, they were ultimately blessed with more than they started off with.

"If you repay evil for good, evil will not depart from your house." Proverbs 17:13

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