
Friday, February 14, 2014

Update: My Progress

Earlier this week I couldn't sleep, so I began to type. As I laid in bed, I began to reflect on major changes that I have noticed in my life recently- whether some may perceive it as a good thing or bad. I feel like an update is looong overdue! I realize that I have been slacking BIG time on writing, but who reads blogs anyways. ;)

1) I have officially become somewhat of an introvert

Ha. I guess this is not really news... :)

2) I've matured in the way I handle and approach situations

As an old friend of mine would say, we thank God!

3) I've grown a little more in patience

Every growth in patience is an achievement for me because I can see the progress and growth I'm making in God with His guidance. I noticed that I have become more tolerant of people. For the most part, I've always had a calm demeanor...but lately I have been feeling a deep calm-stillness in my spirit. I don't know what to call it, but hey- I like it!

4) My love for God has grown as well as my attitude of gratitude

I guess this is pretty much self-explanatory...

5) I've grown in a deeper love for people...even strangers

I guess I should attribute my love for others growing as I'm learning to fall in love with Jesus all over again. It seems like I'm meeting new people every week or so and I LOVE it! The only down side to my growing heart of compassion is that I often feel more vulnerable to get hurt easily.

6) I prefer listening as opposed to speaking

It's funny when I think about this because I remember back in High School how several of my friends and siblings would say: "Priscilla, you talk too much!" Lol Now- I do not concur! Oh, how things have changed! Today I was reminded of the scripture in James 1:19 "...let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak..." I believe God has been teaching me this. If I seem suspiciously quiet now-a-days, it is not because I have a lot on my mind or that I have nothing to say. I would just rather listen.

7) I've become more more tom-boyish ways

I grew up in a household with brothers. This resulted in me sharing a lot of the same activities with them from video games to sports as well as friends. In fact, majority of my close friends growing up were guys. I guess I felt that I could relate and be more transparent around them. Something has changed in my spirit this past year that even if I tried willingly to resort to my old ways, I can't. I believe women can still be fun and maintain their femininity. I'm not going to lie. There are occasions that I miss interacting with the opposite sex, but then I realize the importance of setting and maintaining boundaries. I can't believe the day has come where my female friends outnumber my guy friends! Through it all, one thing still remains the same. I can still count the number of my genuine friends with the fingers on my left hand.

Change is not something that happens all of a sudden overnight. It took years for some habits to form, and it may even take some years to break. By the Grace of God I am not the same person I was about 5 years ago when God began to do a work in me and thank the Lord He's not finished yet! 

Disclaimer: Playing video games, sports, or preferring male companionship does not necessarily make one tom-boyish.